Among the sea of streaming services and digital downloads, an old format is once again on the rise.
Audiences are rewinding back to a retro style once loved by collectors and musicians alike; cassettes. Artists and DJs are collecting cassettes to create DIY recordings and to share their music in a much more simple and efficient way than vinyl. Many artists touring today even stick to cassettes as a means to sell their albums while they wait in the years-long line to get their record pressed on vinyl.
So what happens now that an old format has had a revival? The folks at we are rewind have created a new and improved portable cassette player fit for newbie collectors and folks who haven't quite gotten over their Walkman phase.

Here's what WE ARE REWIND has to say about their Cassette Player:
Like the old-school cassette players, our players have fast forward/rewind buttons, a headphone output, a volume control and an audio input so you can create your own mixtapes. But because you have to keep up with the times, we've added a few modern touches.
First, we've replaced the batteries with a rechargeable lithium battery that provides up to 12 hours of continuous playback. It's more practical and environmentally friendly. We also built in a Bluetooth 5.1 connection so you can connect the player to your headphones or wireless speaker in seconds. It may not sound like much, but it's a world first!

On the audio side, our engineers worked hard to optimize the mechanism to be as close as possible to the best of the time. And the result is there. Today, you won't find better on the new market!

Finally, we paid special attention to the design and materials used. As for the very first Sony Walkman, the TPS-l2, we avoided plastic and preferred an aluminum case for a "cool touch" and a real quality feeling. The result is a cassette player with a sober and elegant design, which will last in time. The kind of object that one would almost want to display on a shelf in the living room.