We would like to update you on the current status for the event side of our UK stores, as we navigate the current and future challenges posed by coronavirus restrictions.
Header photo by Paul Boyling

Since the store closures in March, our cafe, bar and events trade have been forced to take a temporary hiatus and our intimate, eclectic, memorable and often unforgettable(!) in-store programming has been massively missed by the whole Rough Trade community.
After lengthy discussion and consideration, we have decided that no public events are to be hosted at Rough Trade stores before January 2021. The venue side of each store will remain closed as we are not confident that we can provide customers, staff and artists with efficient, safe and worthwhile ‘socially-distanced events’ during this uncertain time. As always, this decision is subject to change based on any major developments advised by the government over the coming months.

We are supportive of the perspectives outlined by The Music Venue Trust, encouraged by the Arts Council’s Culture Recovery Fund initiatives, and in solidarity with the messages behind the Live Industry’s #LetTheMusicPlay campaign.
Furthermore, we are also embracing new technologies and opportunities and have recently launched a new digital events initiative, Rough Trade Live & Interactive. Hosted on the Zoom platform, this has proven an exciting way to connect artists and fans in a direct, intimate and engaging way. Keep a look out for further events being announced on our event pages over the coming weeks, in addition to the return of the highly successful Rough Trade Transmissions Instagram series in September.

Please note: If we haven't already, we will soon notify customers with any existing album+ticket orders for 2020 events via email, explaining the options regarding your order or purchase, and updating you individually with regards to the specific status of each event (cancelled or rescheduled for 2021 where possible).
Thank you once again for your ongoing patience and support.
Keep safe, be well.
Rough Trade