Shoplifting with Dayglow

Dayglow is the indie-pop project of Austin based artist Sloan Struble

Photos by Olivia Cummings

Dayglow returns with his third album People In Motion. Fun and colorful, People In Motion meditates on the ideas of commitment, inner peace, and movement, while inviting the listener to the dance floor to leave the chaos and noise of our current culture behind.

Dayglow - People in Motion

Indie Exclusive Purple with Yellow Vinyl!

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We caught up with Sloan at our NYC store for our newest session of Shoplifting. An invitation to roam the racks in pursuit of the recorded material which has most inspired and shaped the Dayglow sound today.

Dayglow's Sloan Struble raided the new-wave section and picked iconic records from Sparks, Talking, Heads, and XTC among others!

LCD Soundsystem - Electric Lady Sessions

I'm going to be honest, I've not listened to this record. I love LCD Soundsystem, and I'm sure I know the songs that are on the record, but I haven't heard this record exactly. I love LCD Soundsystem. I love James Murphy and how he makes electronic, repetitive stuff that doesn't feel like EDM. It's analog; it's punk in a way and I like that.

XTC - Drums and Wires

My favorite song off this record is called “Helicopter.” It's really fun new wave pop music. XTC makes really complicated pop music that's really existential. I don't know the name of the record, but it's from the nineties and it's a red album with a picture of a castle [Nonsuch]. There's a song on it called “Then She Appeared,” which is a great song.

Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense Tour

I did not know this existed on vinyl. I have watched this documentary countless times; the one that is probably illegally ripped on YouTube. If you ever need inspiration for dance moves, look directly at David Byrne and he'll give you some ideas. It's just an awesome live performance and always inspires me.

Sparks - Kimono My House

I recently watched a documentary about Sparks and there's a quote from it, ”…all musicians should already know about Sparks,” and I didn't so I felt kind of attacked by that. I was like: does that mean I don't know enough? And the answer was yes. But I looked into Sparks and really found it interesting. It's just really cool. These two brothers just made crazy music and they don't sound like they're from California, but they are. Definitely don't look like it either. Yeah, it's really fun rock music that kind of drives you crazy in a good way. So there's a song on this album that's called “This town ain’t big enough for the both of us” That's a good song.

Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet

I was thinking of this song yesterday “Jimmy Fallon Big!” because I played on Jimmy Fallon, and that's crazy. I think she is really cool and Japanese Breakfast is my wife's favorite artist so I coincidentally listen to her a lot.